Apache Shiro Developer Resources

This page and its children are dedicated for reference information used by the Apache Shiro development team when performing tasks as a committer or contributor

Writing Documentation

All non-JavaDoc documentation is written in our Apache Shiro Confluence Wiki Space. This space is converted into the public website by the Confluence Auto Export Process.

Source Code Repository

We use the Subversion repository located at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shiro. Committers must use the https scheme (not http).

Active development is done in the trunk subdirectory. The branches and tags peer subdirectories exist based on the Apache APR Versioning Scheme and are generally created/maintained by the dev team using the Maven Release Plugin.

Building from Subversion

For Shiro cutting-edge development, you can check-out the code from Subversion and build it using Maven 2.2+:

  1. Check out the code:
    mkdir shiro
    cd shiro
    svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/shiro/trunk trunk
  2. Build the project using Maven 2.2+:
    cd trunk
    mvn install

    The resulting artifacts will be in your local M2 Repo under the org.apache.shiro group.

Cutting-edge development
When building from trunk or any branches, use the generated artifacts at your own risk! Current and previous stable releases will always be available via the Download page.