Interface SubjectFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
CasSubjectFactory, DefaultSubjectFactory, DefaultWebSubjectFactory

public interface SubjectFactory

A SubjectFactory is responsible for constructing Subject instances as needed.


Method Summary
 Subject createSubject(SubjectContext context)
          Creates a new Subject instance reflecting the state of the specified contextual data.

Method Detail


Subject createSubject(SubjectContext context)
Creates a new Subject instance reflecting the state of the specified contextual data. The data would be anything required to required to construct a Subject instance and its contents can vary based on environment.

Any data supported by Shiro core will be accessible by one of the SubjectContext's get* or resolve* methods. All other data is available as map attributes.

context - the contextual data to be used by the implementation to construct an appropriate Subject instance.
a Subject instance created based on the specified context.
See Also:

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